To Love Life is to Love Time.

I really don’t know where to begin. And when I go to write about what happened this week I don’t have words. I can’t remember. It feels like such a whirlwind. Good thing I’m writing in my journal A TON!

First off I hit 2 months! Crazy. And I only have 15 more fast Sundays left to give EVERYTHING I have to the Lord.


Was it just me or was this conference amazing. I listened to the first session in english and then all the other sessions were in Spanish because we watched them with members. I was able to understand for the most part but I’m still going back and reading them in english jajaja.


Well, I know this mission isn’t for me and I’m here to serve God and His children, but why do I feel like God is just teaching me? In everything I do God finds a way to teach me something. But I guess that’s what they mean when they say you will find yourself if you lose yourself in the service of others. Or forgetting yourself is the best way to grow. You know, stuff like that. The best way I can describe this is: the puzzle pieces are coming together. I feel like I have had these pieces my whole life, but now, every time I exercise my faith, and study the scriptures, he puts the pieces together for me and is painting me this picture that is indescribable. Also, God knows you can love those who are easy to love. He knows you can serve those who serve you and do good to you. He knows you can forgive those who seek forgiveness – but that is not the point. The goal, no, the commandment is to love everyone – especially those who are hard to love – and to forgive everyone no matter what. Any injustice will be healed through the Atonement and through the perfect and infinite love of the Savior.


We had exchanges this week. So me and Hermana Pennington were with each other because both of our comps are STLs so they went to the other island for a couple of days. But we worked hard and we are finding lots of people! We taught a friend from Facebook and he is bringing his friend and his cousin. We have so many appointments and potential baptisms I’m just hoping that some of them are ready and that we can teach with the spirit to help then change their lives.

Here are some of the mottos for my mission that play through my head all day everyday, but I think they apply to everyone so… “18 months is not very long so use every minute wisely.” We really don’t have any time to waste and my fear is feeling the pain of knowing I wasted the Lord’s time.

Perfect love casteth out all fear.

I think I finally understand this principle.

She knew she could do it because she knew her Savior.

There is so much in this sentence.

Be not weary in well doing.

Give me this Mountain” those who put their trust in the Lord will be supported under all trials and tribulations.

This next one is probably the most important to me:

Bring my children home.

I understand now. Not perfectly, but I do understand. In the scriptures you see with Ammon and with other cases where when they truly repent, they give the rest of their lives to calling others to repentance. And when they had truly and completely repented they had the spirit and their mouths were filled when they needed to teach. Truly repenting does not just mean we say sorry or ask for forgiveness or promise to never make a mistake again. Maybe in primary it does. But no, when we truly repent, we give ourselves our whole will – every desire, every wish, every dream – everything – to the Lord. We leave our nets. And you know you are one with the Lord when you have an eye single to his glory and the only thing you will want to do is preach His gospel until the day you die. So whenever I have a moment of laziness or frustration or doubt or fear, I think to myself what my Savior has done for my soul the past 8 weeks, and obviously my entire life, and I can’t help but tear up at the commandment he gave me to “bring His children home.”

If we were to ask the Savior what He needs from us or what more we could give to Him, likely it would be “I need disciples now and forever, I need someone to preach my gospel and feed my sheep. I need someone who loves me, truly truly loves me. Do you love all this more than you love me?”

Anyways this request is not just for those with a tag, it is for everyone.

OK I’m done now. Jaja. But I can’t stress the importance of scripture study enough. Study on your own and with your families. Alma 37:37 counsel with the Lord in all thy doings and he will direct thee for good.

That’s all I got for now. Thanks for the prayers. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I love you all! Chao!

Conference with other missionaries

Hermanas at conference

Tasty chickpeas

The village

The ocean
