Miracle #1
So last week in the choir, we sang I Feel My Savior’s Love. It was a really special experience because the conductor would stop every now and then and share stories and insights. The main thing he shared was the story of the two apostles walking with Jesus not knowing or recognizing it was him. This was after he was resurrected and they were telling Jesus all about HIS miracles. Then after they parted ways and found out it was Christ the one asked, “Did not our hearts within us burn?” And that’s something I have been focusing on this week and thinking when has my heart burned? Randomly an experience popped into my head of a long time ago at one of the American Indian Services dinners. I’m not really sure but I was at primary age. There is a picture of us with Elder Uchtdorf and I thought about that experience and as a young kid not even knowing the importance of him or anything I was like starstruck I remembered feeling overcome with something but I never realized that that was the spirit. And if you have seen the picture you know my face is pure joy and I was so excited and awkward that I put my hand on my face. I hope one of you can find that picture haha. But this was so significant come Tuesday because…
This week in choir we sang Hope of Israel and it was so powerful because guess who came to speak? …Elder Uchtdorf and his cute wife. It was so powerful and their talks were great. But the experience I will never forget. Elder Uchtdorf, for a moment, thinned the veil that night. Like I said the talks were great but what was most important to me was after the devotional, when we all stand out of respect. Elder Uchtdorf walked around the entire gym shaking as many hands as he could. The prelude was beautiful and we stood there for probably 25 minutes but it felt like 5. That experience was indescribable for all of us. There was not a dry eye. But I can tell you that my heart was burning as we were all overcome with joy, love, and peace. What I mean by he thinned the veil is that, what we felt and experienced was a small portion of what we will experience when Christ comes again. He will take his time just like he did in the Americas and bless every single child and weep for them, and He will let every single person feel the nail prints in his hands because it is for the “one” sheep. That is who He is and that is how He does His father’s work. I thought it was so significant that the memory I thought of when I can remember my heart burning was with Elder Uchtdorf and then that week, I was blessed to hear from him. And even being in the same room as him and his wife is something I will never forget.
Miracles Everywhere
Ok, God is real and Jesus lives. That is the theme for me the past 5 weeks. I the spirit helped me find an elder’s wallet with all his ID and money in it and it had been lost for 2 weeks. We all prayed every day. Then I was able to get my visa today. Also, I was able to get my COVID booster which is required 2 weeks prior to entering the country of Spain. The CDC changed the time between the last shot and the booster from 5 months to 3 months and I was quite literally 3 months yesterday. So hurrah for Israel. There are so many miracles around us everyday. They all have helped to solidify my testimony that God loves his children. He must really love his children in spain because He is preparing ways for us to get there and soon. In the consulate meeting today for our visas there were 52 missionaries who were able to receive their visas for Spain. 52. Wow. Anyways love you all.
There is so much more to share but not enough time. think about times when your hearts have burned, it will change your life. Let me know if there is anything I can do or pray for. Love you all, adios.