Don't Spend Your Life with Angry Women :).

Week 4

Alright so it’s week cuatro. The saying that the days are long and the weeks are fast is so true. It still feels like I got set apart yesterday. I’m not even sure how it’s already Thursday. My P-day was switched to Thursday so we have gone like 10 days without a P-day and you could definitely tell. Our favorite activity for exercise time is Spikeball as a district. But other than that we are just working hard all day every day. Spanish is coming along line by line and precept by precept just like everything in life. The gift of tongues is real. I have seen it in my service already. The only thing I ask is that you all pray for the gift of tongues for me everyday because I rely so much on the power of God. There is not an hour that goes by that we are not praying for the gift of tongues. I rely so much on the Savior and his help as can all of you. On that note, let me know of anything I can pray for in specific for any of you. Praying is our favorite thing to do here and if you want an extra person pleading to God on your behalf or someone you know, I will gladly do so. I pray for you all every day.

Funny Story

So, this Elder decided to share a scripture with us. I’m sure some of you have heard it. Proverbs 21: 19. “It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman.” Now, remember all of our classes are in Spanish and we only speak in spanish. So when this elder read it we were all so confused like what mujer? desierto? What could he possibly mean by desert and wilderness? Then one by one we secretly looked it up in english and we all were dying. We quite literally lost it. I felt bad for our teacher haha.

Jesus the Christ

My companion and I have been studying Jesus the Christ together and it has become our favorite thing. It is incredible how much revelation the Lord is willing to give you if you will seek and knock and take the time to study, ponder, and be close to the spirit. I can so surely testify that Jesus is the Christ and the Atonement was necessary but he did it willingly. The more you study the Atonement the more your perspective on life will change. The Atonement will quite literally and directly bring joy into your life and only by this infinite joy can we endure our trials and afflictions “well.” The Savior is so involved in our lives, He knows us perfectly and I invite you all to study Jesus Christ more, study the Atonement, study anything in the gospel. Pick a topic, pray for the spirit to be with you, go into gospel library, type it in, and just immerse yourself, let the spirit teach you what Lord is begging to teach you. I know if you do it with a sincere heart you will not regret it and you will feel the Savior’s love. If you are struggling to have sincere desire, do it anyways, do it until you do find the desire.

I love you all, let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Please message me on facebook messenger if you think of anything I can pray for. La Iglesia es verdadero, Jesucristo vive, Dios nos ama, La Expiacion es la camino podemos regresar a Dios y recibir salvacion, gozo, y paz.


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