Mía en España.

Sep 15, 2022

This is a Good One

This week has been awesome. We had another devotional on Tuesday with an Area Seventy. I got to see my dad at lunch twice which was funny. But other than that it was just another week in the service of the Lord. There was a primary class that came and toured the mtc and they were the cutest little kids. Obviously not cuter than my little nieces and nephews. 🥰

Sep 8, 2022

Miracles Everywhere

So last week in the choir, we sang *I Feel My Savior's Love*. It was a really special experience because the conductor would stop every now and then and share stories and insights. The main thing he shared was the story of the two apostles walking with Jesus not knowing or recognizing it was him. This was after he was resurrected and they were telling Jesus all about HIS miracles.

Sep 1, 2022

Don't Spend Your Life with Angry Women :)

Alright so it's week cuatro. The saying that the days are long and the weeks are fast is so true. It still feels like I got set apart yesterday. I'm not even sure how it's already Thursday.